Publishing API

Documentation for how to handle publishing and editing directly to a Norkon Pulse page or other pages powered by a Live Center solution.


Use this API to publish directly to a Norkon Pulse page and other pages powered by the Live Center. Also including is how to delete published content.

General Information

This document tells you how to publish and delete posts/bulletins of the Live Center through an external CMS/publishing solution.


The API Key is set by the user through the UI of the Live Center.

While logged in to the Live Center go to the Publishing Suite and click the Edit- pencil icon.

Then click the pencil-icon for the specific channel you would want to edit.


Various input fields and options will be presented. Under Publish API is the input field for setting and editing the API Key. Also make sure to hook the "Enabled" checkbox before saving.


Protocol HTTPS (HTTP not allowed)
HTTP Endpoint

Note: for dedicated hosting solutions, omit the {tenantKey}




POST Arguments

Response Object

Property Type
success Boolean
result Object
errMessage string






Protocol HTTPS (HTTP not allowed)
HTTP Endpoint /BulletinApi/v1/{tenantKey}/Delete

Note: for dedicated hosting solutions, omit the {tenantKey}





POST Arguments

Name Type Required Description
apiKey String Yes The API key  (see "General Information")
bulletinId Integer Yes ID of the bulletin to delete
channelId Integer Yes ID of the channel to delete from






Response Object

Property Type
success Boolean
result Object
errMessage string